A OpenScience que se celebra no parque da igrexa de Santa María de Cambre é un evento de divulgación científica onde pequenos e maiores saen dos seus centros educativos e de investigación para amosar o seus traballos.
The OpenScience that takes place in the park of the church of Santa María de Cambre is an event of scientific dissemination where children and adults come out of their educational and research centers to show their work.
Nesta edición, o sábado 17 de setembro, a pesar da choiva, o centro tivo a oportunidade de participar a través do proxecto Erasmus+ AIM@VET que desenvolve en colaboración coa Universidade da Coruña entre outros centros europeos.
In this edition, on Saturday 17 September, despite the rain, the center had the opportunity to participate through the Erasmus + project AIM@VET that is developed in collaboration with the University of A Coruña among other European centers.
Na caseta da feira, dous profesores do centro amosaron o traballo en simuladores realizado polo alumnado participante no proxecto durante o pasado curso. Tamén contaron co robot Robobo que amenizou a tarde ao público visitante, especialmente aos máis cativos que interactuaron con el.
In the stand of the fair two teachers of the center showed the work carried out by the students participating in the project during the last course. They also counted on the Robobo robot that entertained the visitors in the afternoon, especially to the youngest who interacted with him.

#OSC2023 #Aim4vet #ErasmusPlus #artificialintelligence #Python #VetEducation #AIed
Deseguido podedes ver un par de imaxes do evento : // Right away you can see some images of the event: