Dentro do marco do proxecto de Erasmus+, o pasado martes tivemos o privilexio de poder falar co coñecido divulgador de programación Brais Moure.
Within the Erasmus+ AIM@VET project, last Tuesday, we have the privilege of being able to speak with the well-know programming communicator Brais Moure..
Sen marcar ningunha directriz sobre as decisións a tomar dentro da futura vida profesional do alumnado, explicounos a súa propia experiencia. Describiunos as diferentes etapas polas que pasou na súa conversión a “freelance”: o positivo, o negativo, a conversión do negativo en positivo …
Without setting any guideline on the decisions to be made within the future professional life of students, he shared his own experience with us. He described to us the different stages he went through to become a freelancer: the positive, the negative, the conversion of the negative into a positive…
O desenvolvedor “full-stack” respondeu a profesorado e alumnado a dúbidas e curiosidades tanto técnicas como laborais. Falounos sobre o seu libro “Git e GitHub desde cero” que estivo de nº 1 durante moito tempo en Amazon e segue nos primeiros postos.
The full-stack developer answered both technical and work-relate questions and curiosities to teachers and students. Moreover, he talked about his book “Git y GitHub desde cero” which was the best-selling book on Amazon for a long time and it is still in the top positions of the ranking.
De todo o aprendido penso que nos quedamos coas seguintes ideas:
- Que todo o éxito ten detrás un traballo intenso e constante, xa que afirma traballar 25 horas ao día.
- Que é moi difícil planificar as metas laborais: sabemos o punto no que estamos pero non as oportunidades que nos han xurdir no futuro.
- Que todo cambio sucede aos poucos e non debemos marcarnos metas moi ambiciosas no comezo porque é posible que fracasen.
From everything we have learnt, we highlight the following ideas:
- All success is not possible without commitment and perseverance. He claims to work 25 hours per day.
- Professional goals are difficult to plan: we know the point at which we are but not the opportunities that will arise in the future.
- All changes happens gradually. So, we should not set very ambitious goals at the beginning because it is possible that they will fail.
Agradecemos a Brais ter feito un oco para adicarnos sobre todo non estando ao 100% de saúde. We thanks Brais for finding space in his schedule in spite of little health problems.
#OSC2023 #Aim4vet #ErasmusPlus #artificialintelligence #Python #VetEducation #AIed
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