Este ano, os participantes no proxecto Erasmus + AIM4VET visitamos Portugal para poñer en práctica os contidos aprendidos durante o curso en cada país.
This year, members of the Eramus+ project AIM4VET visited Portugal to put all the contents learnt during the course into practice in each country.
No instituto de secundaria de Caldas das Taipas, xuntámonos Portugueses, Eslovenos e Españoles para intercambiar coñecementos en robótica, visión artificial e intelixencia medioambiental.
In the High school of Caldas das Taipas, Slovenian, Portuguese and Spanish students, teachers and professors worked together to exchange knowledge in Robotics, Artificial Vision and Ambient Intelligence.
Ao final da formación, levouse a cabo una posta en común do traballo realizado durante a semana.
At the end of the training activity, a sharing of the conducted tasks during the week was carried out by the students.
Coma sempre, non todo foi traballar e visitamos varias institucións onde varios responsables se interesaron polo proxecto.
As always, not everything was work and we were welcomed by several institutions which were interested in the project.
Tamén, coñecimos un pouco máis de Portugal visitando Guimarães e Braga.
We also learnt about the country visiting Guimarães and Braga.
Podedes consultar o traballo realizado o ano pasado no seguinte enlace.
You can check our work from the previous year in this link.

Deseguido podedes ver algunhas imaxes desta viaxe: // Here you can see a few pictures of this trip: